No holes in the buttlplates for cleaning rods. The knurling on the hammer should be coarse.

Here are a number of other items to check. The first thing I saw was the rear sight is wrong, you have a M1879 type rather then the 73. The serial number is in the correct range, however most Custer guns fall into two other different ranges. With what you have shown I can guess it may well be a parts gun. On your "Custer " Springfield as others have noted more pictures will confirm what it is.
#1879 trapdoor springfield rifle serial number lookup free
In the meantime please feel free to comment or squash this post till I have the pics ready.thanks! I have many pictures that I would have to resize in order to post here as they were all 10 - 12 mb's in size so I will work on that. it could be worth more than my house and my neighbors houses combined. Like I said, I took this item to several people in and around Gettysburg and got a wide variation of input on this gun.ġ. I am almost positive however that it was not at the center of that battle. A friend of mine and myself have basically traced this serial number back to Fort Abraham Lincoln and from there as being issued to either Benteen or Reno during the Battle of Little Bighorn. This one was obtained by my father in law about 30 years ago and I probably walked past it a thousand times without a second look as there are firearms of all types all over the house. Now I have done some research and understand that these "Custer" carbines are far and few in between. Instead it was like watching Ray Charles trying to throw darts.kinda funny and scary at the same time. We all live in Gettysburg, Pa so I thought I could get some opinions from people in the area concerning this particular carbine.

His collection ranges from the revolution era up to the current decade, often with duplicate examples of the same piece. Not to long ago my father in law passed and to say that he was an avid gun collector would be an understatement.

Hello folks and Semper Fi to those Jar Heads out there and to all the others that represent our armed forces past and present!